Friday, January 7, 2011

Heritage tales

Ok so first post on my blog 'Heritage Communicates'. The whole idea for the name came from experiences I have had at historic sites. Have you ever been somewhere and history just comes alive, almost as if you were there? Well I have, several times and let me tell you, it sometimes scares the hell out of me. There is an English Heritage site where this occurs every single time I go there, it is Porchester castle. When walking by the walls that surround the castle I can almost picture a roman legionnaire making his rounds as he walks the walls. Also there is a place I cannot go in the actual castle without getting extremely freaked out, I'm a scaredy cat I know. When I then did some research into the castle itself I discovered that the part of the building that made me feel so weird was in fact occasionally used to hold prisoners, curiouser and curiouser. But you probably think I am a bit crazy, and you may very well be right, but still the thought persists about what stories would these sites tell if they could speak to us after all they have been around for such a long time they are bound to have interesting stories about what they have experienced. If only we could hear them. But this blog is my interpretation of heritage.

So enjoy.

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