Friday, January 21, 2011

Festive events

Yet another delayed post. I kept on meaning to put this post up just after christmas, but surprise surprise I forgot. This about various activites that go on at christmas at heritage sites around the country. I guess it is because they realise it is the school holiday and parents need something to do with their kids, but also everybody can understand christmas and the way in which they celebrated christmas in the past is very interesting at the christmas season, especially if it can shed some light into christmas traditions. this post is all about festivities at the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum.

The Weald and Downland Open Air Museum ran a 6 day christmas event which gave people a chance to celebrate christmas in times gone by. It ranged from the tudor times all the way up to the victorian era with festive music by the Generalls Musick and players. everybody who went there had a great time, so much so that there was an article about them in the local paper. It was a resounding success and no doubt they will do something simillar this christmas.

But more places need to be doing things like this more than just at Christmas time. If they made these places more eciting to go to more people would want to go there and so raise revenue for these places and help with the cost of everything and the benefits would outweigh the costs, but that is just my opinion and if you have a different one feel free to comment below.

Weald and Downland Open Air Museum
generalls music and players

Also here is another blog on events English Heritage put on in 2009 for Halloween, apologies if the blog is not to your taste, I just thought it backed up what I was saying.

bad witch - english heritage gets scary

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